DIY Social Media Cards

Top of the morning to ya!

Since I've started using more social media than usual, I've had trouble remembering which sites to check daily. I needed some kind of visual reminder each day, so I decided to make a social media card to look at while I'm working. It's been very helpful for me and interactive, which is fun :)


- an envelope
- a piece of paper (I like rough edges on mine)
- scissors
- a pen


1. Start by measuring your piece of paper relative to your envelope. You want the top to be visible from the top of the envelope, with the bottom half hidden. I left about two inches on the top of mine for a title.

2. Write down a title at the top and the social media you'll need to check every day at the bottom. Make sure the words are covered by the envelope.

3. I tore off the flap of my envelope, but you can leave it if you would prefer!

You're left with a fun, useful reminder of the sites you need to check daily. I usually check mine in the morning to make sure I interact with each one on the list during the day.

After you're done, don't forget to take a break from your online life and live a little in the real world! It's amazing the experiences we find when we put our phones down. Write a letter, have coffee with a friend and enjoy this summer ;) 

Have a great Tuesday!


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