Simple Handmade Floral Cards

Happy Thursday, and what a beautiful one ;) I'm out of town today visiting my other half and eating Indian food, which - consequential to my name - is one of my favorite foods. In lieu of travel, I've found a project I did a while ago for my small group, handmade floral cards.

I rarely buy cards for my friends because the sentiment behind homemade, personal cards means so much more to me. For these cards, I drew a bouquet for each of my friends that corresponded with their personality. I know, I'm a hippy ;) They loved the meaning and the designs on the cards, and I loved the process of making my friends into flowers!


- watercolor paper, cut into squares
- watercolors 
- art pens (water resistant and dry quickly)


I started with the designs, then colored them in with the watercolors. I went with colors that fit each person. For example, one of my friends loves hot pink so I added a pop of pink to her flowers. For my tall friend, I gave her a sunflower design. 

Then, I added their names above the flowers and let them dry for about an hour. The simple design is great if you're running late or have a limited amount of time to make them!

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If you try out this simple card design, send me a pic on Instagram or comment about your experience! I would love to see your work :)

Have a sunny afternoon!


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