Jeremiah 29:11 Print

Hey there, friends! 

This was an exciting week for me - I sold my first print!! One of my friends contacted me early in the week in search of a meaningful quote that represented Christ's love for her. I recommended Jeremiah 29:11. It is the epitome of love for me - Christ has a plan for each of us, made with hope and prosperity in mind. We are so treasured in His eyes. She said yes and handed over the creative reigns.

I tried out a few colors in the practice (see the sketches here), but one stood above the others in my mind. The color gold represents a refining process, heavenly royalty, and glory, all of which describe this verse. Nothing in our lives is perfect, but always a work in progress. All the while, God's plan for us is filled with glory!

I found a gold-colored pen and got cracking. Similar to the original prints I make for my cards, I like to keep the top and bottom edges uneven (although the cards have all straight edges in final copy). I drew some beams around the verse to symbolize the glory aspect. Once it was done, I whipped up a thank-you note (business cards to come!!) and sent it off!

If you're ever in need of a custom print, feel free to hit me up on Instagram, Facebook or email me at

Speaking of custom, there are a few custom card options being added to my shop on Monday! I'll keep you posted on what time it will be available. I'll be popping in a few more ready-made cards as well :) Stay tuned!

Have a blessed weekend :)



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