Behind the Card: You're The Yin To My Yang

Happy Fourth, friends! No matter what you're up to today, light a sparkler. Please, for all of the photographers out there.

It's a beautiful rainy day where I am, so it put me in the storytelling mood. I'm also offering a bundle deal on my shop this week and one of my cards holds a special place in my heart. Let me tell you about it.

My other half, Elijah James, is the love of my life. I've known him for three years and dated him for two. He has a joyful spirit, a strong hope in every situation and the most loving heart I've ever seen. We've been traveling the long distance road throughout college and have learned a lot about each other through it (we feel like an old couple sometimes with all we've learned). He has my heart, my devotion and my promise forever. So yeah, I love him ;)

If you've ever met us, you'll realize we're very different people. I like Fleetwood Mac, he likes Metallica. I love adventures and riding trains, he loves a warm peppermint tea and a good book. I practice yoga, he sweats it out in the gym (we're #swolemates). Even in our personalities, I'm quiet at first while he's extroverted and talkative. Despite our polar opposites, God has made these little parts of us to come together just right and form a strong relationship with each other. It's pretty incredible!

Among our many differences, there are even more ways we compliment each other. While I help him to try new experiences, he helps me to relax and remember to breathe. When I'm overthinking a situation, he kisses me on the head and talks me through it. We know each other and what the other person needs, and that makes us better people. 

We have a book-sized list of nicknames for each other, and a few phrases as well. We started a string of them a few years ago with, "You're the yin to my yang". We would keep going down the list - "You're the Han to my Chewy", "You're the Sam to my Suzy", "You're the Paul Varjak to my Holly Golightly". It could be anything, as long as one completed the other. We also make decisions based on our yin-yang relationship. If we're getting t-shirts, I'll buy the black and he buys the white. I found bracelets that I gave him on Valentine's Day, one white and one black, that we wear often. It's our way of saying, "I love that you're my other half". 

We've learned to count our differences as strengths. Even when it's hard to understand the other person, we work through it because we're complete when we do. "You're the yin to my yang" means we balance each other out, and we want to treasure our differences to make a strong team. 

This card is for all of the yin-yangs out there. The flowers on either side represent the yin-yang symbol, a white flower going one way and a black flower going the other. You complete each other, pick each other up where the other is weak and love each other as one. E and I always say, "I'm working with you, not against you". What makes you different is what can make your relationship full. When you find that balance, you've found where you were meant to be, and that's worth celebrating!

I hope this added some love to your day ;) Feel free to check out the Yin Yang card here or pick up the bundle deal here. This deal will only be around for a limited time, so grab one while they are available!

Have a great Tuesday :)


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